Most Insurances Accepted. We Do Not Accept HMO Insurances, but Do Offer Payment Plans.

Smiling middle age woman at the dentist for preventative dental care

Root Canals

If you have an infected tooth, our highly-trained dentists can help protect it with a root canal. This procedure involves removing the infected pulp in the root of your tooth and cleaning the inside. The canal is then filled with a sterile material and sealed. This helps maintain the integrity of your tooth while also preventing reinfection. 

Signs that you may need a root canal include: 

  • A chipped or cracked tooth.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold.
  • Swollen or sore gums.
  • Darkening of the gums.
  • Severe pain while chewing.

Ready to make your appointment? Schedule online or call us at (708) 849-8627 today!

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